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Kristen Taylor is passionate about the phenomenon that occurs when you combine desire, faith, and simple planning to catapult yourself into the realm of all things possible.  She calls it "Project Planning for Life.”  Anybody can do it and her mission is to show you how.   

Her Story

Kristen is a Certified Public Accountant and has served as a process improvement and project management professional in the corporate environment for the last eight years.  Prior to that, she led as an assurance professional at PricewaterhouseCoopers for five years and a real estate consultant for eight years.  She holds degrees in Marketing and Political Science from Florida State University.


Want to share ideas that work for you or a topic you would like covered?  Feel free to drop us a line.




Are you looking for someone to inspire you team and help them find fulfillment in their work?  If so, you are in the right place.



Are you looking to add someone to your Mastermind team to help you reach the next level?  If so, you are in the right place.



Are you looking to create your own personal Project Plan for Life and need some guidance?  If so, you are in the right place.

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